Beginner singers all face the same problem… You don’t know what you don’t know!
And that can lead to vocal strain, frustration, and ultimately lead you to quit. When if you only had a little guidance…
You would fall in love with singing (and start getting good at it)!
This month, we hosted the Beginner’s Vocal Bootcamp. This FREE 3-Day Bootcamp focused on the 3 main challenges you’ll face when you start the journey to a better singing voice.
1. You sound bad
2. It hurts when you sing
3. Your songs just don’t sound the way they should (or the way you want them to)
This Bootcamp was a hoot. If you missed out on any of it, check out the recordings of each live session and use them as a guide to building your practice and vocal exercise routines.
Here’s everything you’ll need for your singing lessons:
Singeo Bootcamp Warm-up (High Voices) – Day One
Singeo Bootcamp Warm-up (Low Voices) – Day One
5 Tone Ah – Day One
Singeo Bootcamp Workouts (High Voices) – Day Two
Singeo Bootcamp Workouts (Low Voices) – Day Two
If you enjoyed working on your voice with Lisa, you’re in luck!
As a Singeo Member you have access to practice guides in different keys, the ability to transpose or repeat certain sections, get personalized reviews of your progress and so much more.
If you enjoyed your Bootcamp experience, we know you’ll love being a Singeo member. It’s like having a Bootcamp on call!
Not sure if you’re ready for a full membership yet? Give it a try! Access our full gallery of songs, the Singeo Method, and all our coaches for free: