If you cringe at the thought of hearing your own voice on a recording, you’re not alone. It’s something that takes time to get used to!
Your favorite artist probably has a whole team to help them record their voice with fancy equipment and the newest technology. Luckily, you don’t need all that! It is possible to get a clear, crisp voice recording without leaving the house.
Even if you don’t dream of being a recording artist, recording your own voice is still super helpful! It’s a great way to hear your progress, test your limits, and discover your unique style.
Plus, it’s a lot of fun!
When you record your voice at home, nobody else needs to hear it. So, don’t hold back! Let loose and see what your voice is really capable of.
To get started recording your voice at home, all you need are four simple things (besides your voice, of course):
That’s it! (Well, you’ll also need a laptop.)
There are so many equipment brands and models to choose from, so If you’re not sure which is best, Cate has some suggestions (at the start of this lesson).
Once you have all these plugged in and set up…
Like I said before, NOBODY else needs to listen to your recording. So, don’t stress and have fun with it!
Do as many takes as you want (Cate recommends at least 3) and really experiment with them to see how you sound. Try singing head voice in one take and chest voice in another, switch up the tempo, or add a little vocal fry!
There are no rules, so do whatever feels right. Then…
Eek. I know this is the scary part, but remove your hands from your ears and hit PLAY!
Listen carefully to how each take sounds. What do you like about them? What do you need to spend more time working on? Are you surprised by how they sound?
Get into the habit of recording yourself regularly, and you’ll be amazed at how much your voice improves over time. You can even get some additional feedback and support in the Singeo members area.
You don’t have to be a recording artist to record your own voice, and you don’t need a big fancy setup either! All it takes is a few pieces of equipment and some confidence. So, plug in that microphone and start recording.
Happy singing!
P.S. Want to improve your voice? Try Singeo FREE for 7-days and hear the difference!