How do you know if you’re singing the right note? Are you sharp or flat? And if so, how can you get better?
This lesson will help you answer all of those questions and provide you with the perfect 5-minute daily routine to help develop your pitch and improve your singing.
But first, a very important point…
You do not need to have perfect pitch!
Perfect pitch is the genetic ability to hear a sound and immediately know what note it is. It’s something you’re either born with or you’re not. And most people are not.
Popstar Charlie Puth does have perfect pitch, as you can see in the video below:
But for the rest of us mortals, it is absolutely possible to train and improve your pitch.
So let’s get started!
We need a reference, so having a piano, a tuned guitar, or even a piano app on your phone will help a lot here.
Because we’re going to play a note on the piano, and then try to match that note with our voice.
So if you play a middle C on the piano, you’ll then try to sing a middle C.
And if it doesn’t sound the same, that’s ok! It’s the entire reason for this lesson.
Try a few notes in your range, and notice how close your voice sounds to the pitch of the note on the piano (or guitar).
Now comes the training.
Bear with me.
The tuner is going to give you real-time feedback on whether you are sharp or flat, and you’ll be able to see yourself moving closer to the note as you practice.
In the video, Lisa uses an app called Tuner Lite, but you can use any guitar tuning app. There are so many.
Then, it’s a simple matter of playing a note with your instrument, singing the note, and then looking at the tuner to see where your voice sits in relation to the note.
Are you flat?
Then try and bring your pitch up a little bit.
Are you sharp?
Try and bring it down.
The tuner will show you exactly where your voice is in relation to the correct pitch. And then it’s up to you to adjust.
One other thing, don’t ever expect to hold a note perfectly. Your vocal cords vibrate when you sing, and that oscillation causes slight changes in pitch.
It’s where vibrato comes from.
So it’s ok to be wavering up and down a little bit. The main thing is that you’re close to the note you want to be close to.
One final thought. If you want to improve your singing pitch, it will take a bit of time and practice. This isn’t something you’ll do once and then be perfect.
The goal should be to incorporate this into your daily routine. It should only take 5 minutes, but it will help you train your ear and your voice to start hitting those notes perfectly the first time.
So download a tuner and happy singing!
Looking for more lessons to improve your singing pitch? Try these:
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